Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yay for experimenting!!

I guess I should make sure that everyone knows I'm by no means an actual chef! Since I don't have a job yet and I just graduated so I'm not taking any classes I have a lot of free time lately. Well anyone who knows me knows that I cannot wait to have a family of my own, and well a big part of being a mom/wife is being able to cook. Up til this point all I really ever cooked was college type food I guess you could call it. Pastas are easy, grilled chicken (with no seasoning really, nothing fancy at all) and a lot of frozen food. Boring, I know! My dad used to own a deli and a restaurant and he was the chef also and so he really can cook amazingly well. Unfortunately I never jumped in on the cooking lessons from him. So it looks like now is my time to try to teach myself how to cook which means a lot of trial and error. I actually began my cooking experiments on Sunday so tonight was day 3, and I plan on writing all three posts tonight! The nice part about this cooking experiment is that my parents are paying for all of the groceries so I really have the freedom to choose any recipe I want and just go with it. If it's good, awesome, now I know and I can keep it for later. If it's a bad meal (which I haven't really had just yet, thankfully), well....I didn't pay for it so lesson learned, don't make it again, and move on. Well, I'm sure there won't be a ton of people reading this, but I'm kind of excited about it, so I hope anyone who reads this enjoys it!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on starting a new blog! Cooking is a never-ending and always evolving adventure. You will find appreciation for things you never thought you enjoyed. For example, I'm a new fan of Parsley where I was previously a boycotter.
